Hi There!

Shortly after moving into the Adelaide Hills I realised I was in a very special place and that my home was in fact not mine but the koala's home.

My first 'Koala encounter' happened while I was enjoying my morning tea in the back yard - which I will never forget. Right in front of my eyes,  a wild koala climbed down from his gum tree, walked across the grass towards my chair, paused, sniffed my chair, looked up to me, reached his paw out and then proceeded to walk off and find another tree. Its the koala's home first, I do my best to keep the trees around our house healthy and regularly plant new eucalyptus seedlings.

In the Summer of 2013  I offered a very thirsty koala a drink of water. Word got around and before we knew it, koalas from all around the neighbourhood visited to get some life saving hydration during the heat wave. Believe me, koalas do in fact drink water - but only when they can't get if from the dry leaves. Since then I have been capturing footage of my every day  wild koala encounters and share them on You Tube. Take a look at my videos and see for yourself!

After searching for quality Australian gifts to send to an overseas friend I saw that there was a gap in the Australia Souvenirs market, I found  it hard to find unique, quality Aussie products. This gap combined with be being Inspired by beautiful native bushland and koalas that surround me everyday I decided to create KOALAFICATION and share a little piece of Australia to the world. I am crazy for cute koalas and getting the word out to preserve their habitat, I'm sure you feel the same. Join us by following our blog and like our Facebook page to keep up to date on our products and also our koala friends.

Thanks for dropping by!


Koala Kuteology Specialist